Our Dedicated Servers
Experience top-tier service with our Dedicated Servers (Bare Metal Servers). Benefit from reliability, performance, and security, along with full management, exceptional support, and a 99.99% uptime guarantee. Choose from our diverse lineup of managed servers to meet your specific requirements.
Ryzen 1
Save $100 when booking annually
Ryzen 2
Save $100 when booking annually
Ryzen 3
Save $100 when booking annually
Ryzen 4
Save $100 when booking annually
Our Dedicated Hosting Features
Experience unparalleled performance and security with a dedicated server tailored to your specific needs, offering dedicated resources and complete server control.
Every dedicated server we offer includes CyberPanel and complete root access. With CyberPanel, managing your website and files becomes effortless, providing you with a user-friendly interface for seamless control.
We handle everything from configuration and optimization to security, backups, migrations, and more, ensuring a hassle-free experience for you.
Benefit from our contract-free service with an exceptional uptime of 99.99% and receive free support. We ensure optimal uptime by providing a wide range of options for your convenience.
Elevate your website to new heights with our enterprise-grade hardware, including SSDs, CPUs, RAM, as well as Litespeed and LSCache technologies. This powerful combination enhances performance and speed, providing a superior user experience for your visitors.
We offer a convenient and cost-free solution for website migration. If you have an existing website hosted elsewhere, we will handle the transfer process for you, ensuring a seamless transition to our platform at no additional expense.
Enjoy transparent pricing with no hidden charges or surprises, providing you with a clear understanding of the cost of our premium hosting plans without any additional fees sneaking in.